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Treatment for Toning and Sculpting

Also known as liposculpture and body contouring

This is a non-invasive treatment to break down and remove localized fat by emitting a heat energy to emulsify or melt the fat.


Interstitial lipolysis + sculpting on abdomen, back, arms, legs, and chin.

It is performed in 1 session every 20 days as it helps increase basal metabolism, and a manual lymphatic drainage once a week to cleanse, sweep, and eliminate fat from the body.


· Non-invasive

· Ambulatory

· No medical disability

· Immediate return to daily activities: work – university

· Not painful

· No risk of infection

· Low cost compared to liposuction, dermolipectomy, bypass, etc.

It is combined with monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency equipment, which is a non-invasive firming device that contracts collagen, elastin, to provide toning and skin tightening.


· Neocolagenesis: formation of new non-existing collagen

· Colagenosis: transformation of existing collagen to youthful

· · It works for abdomen, legs, bust, buttocks, and arms, complemented with different types of equipment

· Electroporation: equipment that serves as a firming agent

· Intradermal therapy: injected

· Endermology: technology that shapes and firms

· Cryotherapy: cold therapy for toning and combating sagging

The duration of the medical and aesthetic effect is from 1 year and a half to 2 years, and 4 sessions are performed, with one session every 10 days.

medicina estética en bogotá
doctora maria fernanda benavides

Dr. María Fernanda Benavides

Medical Surgeon from Universidad del Bosque in Bogotá, with a Master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser in Medical and Interventionist Aspects from Universidad Islas Baleares in Palma Mallorca – Spain. She also holds two diplomas, one in Ultrasonic Hydrolipoclasia and Facial Rejuvenation from the International School of Aesthetic Medicine in Rome – Italy, and another in Clinical Trichology from Universidad Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá. With over 15 years of experience in aesthetic treatments, including both body and facial procedures, as well as laser equipment treatments utilizing cutting-edge technology.

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