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Spot and Rosacea Treatments

Procedure performed with threads and hyaluronic acid.

Rosacea is a redness of the skin on the face, neck, and chest, often accompanied by broken blood vessels on the nose and cheeks, known as telangiectasias or spider veins. This condition is triggered by external factors such as sun exposure, heat, high temperatures, mood swings, stress, or internal factors like underlying systemic diseases, medications, or vasovagal reactions.

It’s treated with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for skin redness and erythrosis to prevent chronic inflammatory responses. Approximately 3 sessions are performed every 8 days.

For treating telangiectasias or red/purple spider veins, Laser therapy is used. Around 3 sessions are performed every 15 days.

In addition, the treatment is complemented with Hydrafacial, which is a FACIAL TREATMENT consisting of deep cleansing, sebum regulation, as many individuals with this condition have oily skin. It also includes hydration, as the skin is often dehydrated, lacking moisture, and photoprotection. These sessions are typically done every 8 days, with approximately 2 sessions.


A SKIN CHECK-UP is performed initially to determine the type of spot.

EPIDERMAL: RECENT: EXTRINSIC FACTORS: Topical products, photosensitizers: Antihistamines, Hydrocortisone, Anti-inflammatories: Voltaren, Furacin, Insect repellent, Antibiotics, Terramycin, SUN.

DERMAL: OLD: INTRINSIC FACTORS: HORMONAL, METABOLIC, PHARMACOLOGICAL: Amiodarone, Doxycycline, Sulfonamides, Antidepressants, Retinoids, Topicals: Perfumes, Ointments, Lotions, Capillaries, Sunscreens.


It’s carried out using different technologies and medical devices, including:


PRE-PEELING: Depigmenting agent applied 8-10 days before any equipment is used, and it must be maintained throughout the treatment, which lasts approximately 1-2 months.

•MICRODERMABRASION and/or PEELING: Around 4-6 sessions are performed every 8-15 days.

•DERMAPEN: Dermaroller with micro-needles, a novel device that penetrates deep into the skin.

LASER: Cutting-edge technology that emits powerful light to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, targeting melanin-producing cells responsible for pigment.

medicina estética en bogotá
doctora maria fernanda benavides

Dr. María Fernanda Benavides

Medical Surgeon from Universidad del Bosque in Bogotá, with a Master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser in Medical and Interventionist Aspects from Universidad Islas Baleares in Palma Mallorca – Spain. She also holds two diplomas, one in Ultrasonic Hydrolipoclasia and Facial Rejuvenation from the International School of Aesthetic Medicine in Rome – Italy, and another in Clinical Trichology from Universidad Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá. With over 15 years of experience in aesthetic treatments, including both body and facial procedures, as well as laser equipment treatments utilizing cutting-edge technology.

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