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Laser Lipolysis in Bogotá

At Benavides Esthetic Medicine, we offer you the most comprehensive and secure laser lipolysis procedure in Bogotá, led by Doctora Maria Fernanda Benavides.

What is laser lipolysis?

Laser Lipolysisuses laser technology, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), and Fractionated Radiofrequency to slowly emulsify or melt excess fat in areas such as the legs, arms, abdomen and back, among others, to be physiologically eliminated through urine and feces.

Lipólisis Láser en Bogotá

What is the purpose of laser lipolysis?

Laser lipolysis serves to tone, firm, and strengthen the skin, supporting ligaments, and muscles, resulting in a slim, slender, and toned body.

It is important to emphasize that all these procedures are accompanied by a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, along with meats, grains, and ample water intake to ensure medium and long-term results.

How many sessions does laser lipolysis in Bogotá include?

Laser lipolysis consists of 4 to 6 sessions every 15 days.

Laser lipolysis in Bogotá Prices

At Benavides Aesthetic Medicine, we assess each patient comprehensively to determine the price of the laser lipolysis procedure. Therefore, we invite you to schedule your appointment by filling out the form or contacting us via WhatsApp.

We are specialists in laser lipolysis in Bogotá!

medicina estética en bogotá
doctora maria fernanda benavides

Dr. María Fernanda Benavides

Medical Surgeon from Universidad del Bosque in Bogotá, with a Master’s degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Laser in Medical and Interventionist Aspects from Universidad Islas Baleares in Palma Mallorca – Spain. She also holds two diplomas, one in Ultrasonic Hydrolipoclasia and Facial Rejuvenation from the International School of Aesthetic Medicine in Rome – Italy, and another in Clinical Trichology from Universidad Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá. With over 15 years of experience in aesthetic treatments, including both body and facial procedures, as well as laser equipment treatments utilizing cutting-edge technology.

Book your appointment here