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Facial Lipolift – Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation procedures require thorough knowledge of anatomy, expertise and experience to reduce adverse effects, societal stigmas and secondary revisions. The non-surgical facelift has evolved into a more widespread, reliable and safe procedure.

Facial aging is a unique and particular process for each individual and is governed especially by their genetic makeup. Facelift is a simple technique developed in Aesthetic Medicine, to reverse the main signs. The factors involved in facial aging are intrinsic and extrinsic and, therefore, the challenges of facelift are to reverse the changes of facial aging of all tissues and levels involved, as described below. These procedures, therefore, require understanding of anatomy, expertise and experience to reduce complications, stigmas, myths and secondary revisions.

Non-invasive rejuvenation with Polycaprolactone, Calcium Hydroxyapatite, among others, have become safer, faster, more reliable and simpler procedures, with shorter sessions and less extensive tissue undermining.

Facial aging is a unique process exclusive to each individual and is linked to their genetic makeup. It is accentuated by environmental factors such as solar radiation (ultraviolet), atmospheric pollution and individual habits or behaviors, among which tobacco and stress stand out. Clinically, it is possible to distinguish chronological aging (marked by our biological clock) and that produced by photo damage (actinic radiation). In the exposed skin of the face, neck, neckline and back of the hands, major alterations such as: desiccation, loss of tone, dyschromia, along with the appearance of lesions such as lentigines and other premalignant lesions (actinic keratosis), are produced by solar action. There is a gradual decrease in collagen and alteration of elastic fibers and results in skin atrophy,

In the skin, the most premature evidence of the effects of aging is the accentuation of the furrows and lines typical of facial expression.

The marks they leave on the face are typical of heredity, character and personal experiences. The particularity of these skin marks is thus a reflection of the personal history of each person and dependence on the actions of the facial muscles of mimicry and expression, which are responsible for the accentuation of the lines and furrows. The sternocleidomastoid and platysma of the neck are included in the process.


In a facial procedure, photodamage and smoking are negative factors in the prognosis, morbidity and quality of the results. They respect the quality of healing as there is also risk. There is a direct relationship between skin type and the severity of photoaging.

This makes it necessary that in the evaluation of aged skin, we record it according to the Fitzpatrick classification in Photoaging and Glogau; We can distribute it into 6 groups that correspond to ethnic distributions, coloration and response to solar action.

PHOTOAGING: Due to chronic sun damage

Fitzpatrick Clasification: (skin color and solar action)

I Delicate white skin that cannot tan, burns severely in the sun.

II White skin It is difficult to tan, it burns easily in the sun.

III White/light brown skin. Moderate tan. Burns moderately.

IV Light brown skin. Easy moderate tan. It burns minimally.

V Dark brown skin. It rarely burns.

VI Black or dark brown skin. It never burns.


To quantify the degree of Chronoaging, by age we use the Glogau Classification:

I Mild (28 to 35 years) incipient, dynamic wrinkles and lines, without associated skin lesions.

II Moderate (35 to 50 years) more obvious wrinkles, incipient actinic lesions. Requires moderate makeup. Requires moderate makeup.

III Advanced (50 to 65 years) Stable wrinkles, lines at rest. Dyschromias and actinic lesions. Permanent use of makeup.

IV Severe (60 to 75 years) Severe photoaging, with deep and persistent wrinkles, gravitational facial changes and abundant solar skin lesions. Little coverage with makeup.

Skin conditions are a factor in both the quality of the results and the persistence of the results over time.

Non-surgical facelift

When reviewing the history of the face lift, we witness the variations in a number of non-surgical procedures developed over the years. Today we could describe these procedures as a group of techniques, developed in the aesthetic aspect of Medicine, to reverse the main signs of the facial aging process, secondary to the loss of support of the soft tissues of the face and neck.

An analysis is carried out of the mechanics of aging and the importance of the displacement suffered by the cutaneous or mimicry muscles, especially the platysma and orbicularis oculi, which makes them responsible for the formation of cervical folds and bands. He points out that the correction of only the skin should be done plus the suspension ligaments and improvement of the fat.

When performing facial rejuvenation we must take into account the entire face, necessarily including the neck, jowls, décolleté and also the hands and arms.

In this blog we will talk about neck procedures to perform lipolift, cervical lift and non-surgical face lift.

When talking about the neck, it is very important to point out this anatomical unit because it is what supports the neck and, with the passage of time and lack of care with moisturizing and nourishing creams, it begins to sag and fine lines and wrinkles appear along with poor feeding the double chin.

Muscular aponeurotic suspension

SMAS: Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System. It is below the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue. Consisting, in the face, of a fascia of fibroadipose tissue that made the head, it constitutes the superficial temporal fascia, extending towards the skull and other facial areas and towards the caudal direction it continues with the platysma muscle in the neck. It forms a unit with the underlying mimicry muscles and transmits its action to the skin.

SMAS is fixed over the parotid and loose anteriorly and inferiorly to it. With aging, the cheek moves inferiorly, hanging from the zygomatic and mandibular ligaments, creating a bulge that descends below the jaw and gives rise to the double chin. The correction of the laxity of this plane seeks to recover a good volumetric projection of the middle third of the face, definition of the mandibular ridge, improve the nasolabial fold and elevate the oral commissure. It should be noted that this system extends to the neck, which makes it hold

PLATYSMA: This muscle constitutes the muscular support of the neck; over the years it can elongate and separate its anterior edges (platysmal bands).

The correction of these alterations can also be with redensification Hyaluronic Acid and collagen threads, these products achieved excellent results in thin and flaccid necks, in addition to this the double chin Lipolift can be performed with Proteolytic Enzymes or Mesotherapy with Lipolytics to remove fat .

That is to say, combined stretching techniques with fat resection make a rejuvenated, lush and vital neck appear, where products of Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and Elastin Tensor Threads are combined together with cutting-edge equipment, such as HIFU: High Focused Ultrasound. intensity and fractionated Radiofrequency to complement the injectable devices necessary in cervical or neck rejuvenation.

To conclude, today, non-invasive procedures with state-of-the-art equipment, injectable devices, techniques in Advanced Aesthetic Medicine and the expertise, experience and quality of the Aesthetic Doctor have meant that more and more patients consult for procedures less invasive, harmless and safe, increasing the number of patients who do not want to have surgery due to the risk of medical, surgical and anesthetic complications and increasingly want outpatient, non-invasive procedures in the office, to look more vital, young, thus increasing their self-esteem, image facial and body, making them feel more secure and reliable.

For these reasons, our purpose and goal is to train ourselves more every day, to be updated in the latest cutting-edge techniques to provide you with more successful results without Medical disability, informing you that these procedures should be performed only by Doctors with the Specialty in Aesthetic Medicine to offer you the respective guarantee leaving faces natural and youthful without any type of complications or consequences, which are what we see today on social networks because unfortunately, due to competition and low prices, they fall into the unscrupulous hands of beauticians and cosmetologists who have neither the competence nor the suitability nor the medical knowledge to practice this type of treatment that requires many years of study, just studying Medicine is 7 years plus 3 years of Medical Specialty, for a total of 10 years minimum to intervene on the face, that is why my final advice to shine beautiful and beautiful only with trained medical personnel and Aesthetic Doctors

Dr. María Fernanda Benavides

Médica Estética

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