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We must differentiate 3 types of dark circles

Eye bags appear due to the accumulation of fluids and toxins in the lower eyelids and have many common causes such as: lack of sleep, some metabolic or endocrine diseases or allergies…

Dark circles are a depression under the orbital rim that causes a groove or depression called the Nasojugal groove or if it extends beyond it, it is called the malar palpebral groove and is seen as a shadow that may or may not be associated with increased pigmentation in the same area as the bags (lower eyelids).

Therefore there are 3 types of dark circles: Depression or furrow, pigmentation or dark coloration and bags that can be due to fat, fluid or weakening of the ligaments that support the skin due to age.

Dark circles are usually hereditary due to family history or acquired due to external or internal factors. Its appearance is related to fatigue, stress, poor diet, hormonal problems or even some allergies and rubbing the eyes. Prevention and good habits are important to eliminate dark circles.

These appear as a marked depression or groove around the eyes, associated or not with coloration or increased pigmentation of the lower eyelids, and their causes are multiple.

To remove dark circles or how to prevent them, it is important to know what they are and what are the causes why these dark colors usually appear around the eyes. It is an abnormal coloration under the eyes and there are many factors that can cause it, but fatigue and stress usually become the main causes of this aesthetic condition that is not widely accepted by people.

Taking into account that the skin around the eyes is the thinnest on the body, it is easy to understand that the bluish tones of the blood vessels appear more obviously transparent. Furthermore, the skin around the eyes is much more sensitive to external aggressions. In this sense, avoiding alcohol and tobacco can be a great idea to prevent the appearance of dark circles.


    Not sleeping well or a lack of rest hours can be clear triggers for the appearance of the valley of tears, also named after the path it takes along the cheekbone. If we add to this stress, unhealthy lifestyle habits and the habit of tobacco and alcohol, the consequence will be noticeable dark circles. This type of skin coloration appears easily and shows clear signs of poor rest.

Avoiding dark circles caused by stress and fatigue is simple, it will be enough to change routines and lifestyle habits for healthy options that include sleeping 6-8 hours a day, a healthy diet, avoiding staying up late, and sufficient intake of liquids.

    There are people who have very marked dark circles under their eyes due to their pigmentation, which is generally noticeable in people of Arab race or descendants of Asian countries. This is caused by a genetic factor, which is usually associated with incorrect production of iron in the body, which causes it to accumulate more than normal.

Eliminating hereditary dark circles is much more complicated than you might expect since they require undergoing intense and very powerful laser and intense pulsed light treatments. In these cases, consulting with an Aesthetic Doctor is a good idea so that they can advise the steps to follow.

    Some allergies can congest the blood vessels around the eyes. This, obviously, can generate a dark coloration of the dark circle area. They usually occur in people with a history of rhinitis, sinusitis or bronchial asthma.

To know how to remove dark circles caused by allergies or respiratory diseases, it is better to treat the underlying pathology first and then the aesthetic part. In this way the coloration around the eye will be effectively eliminated.

    One of the side effects of hypotensive eye drops to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) is the appearance of pigmentation around the eye. This type of drugs is used for the treatment of glaucoma



To prevent dark circles under the eyes, the most correct thing is to have a healthy lifestyle and calm lifestyle patterns, in which salt consumption is not indiscriminate (it increases fluid retention), rest is at night and hydration is by taking 8 glasses of water daily

In pharmacies, there are numerous aesthetic treatments to eliminate dark circles. Among them, gels, serums and creams for the eye contour, as well as anti-dark circle patches and some nutritional supplements, are the most recommended.

Also, use home treatments. One of the most effective is to apply cold water compresses or cold gel masks to the closed eye. This, in addition to having a vasoconstrictive effect, is ideal for eliminating swelling in the area. On the other hand, choosing foods rich in potassium will be perfect to avoid fluid retention, since Sodium is responsible for accumulating fluid in the body.

Dark circles and eye bags are different

Do not confuse the terms bags and dark circles because, although both appear around the eyes, they are different things and it is important to know how to differentiate them to apply the effective solution.

Eye bags appear due to the accumulation of fluids and toxins in the lower eyelids and have many common causes with dark circles, such as: lack of sleep, some metabolic or endocrine diseases or allergies…

Dark circles, as we have mentioned previously, are a depression under the orbital rim that causes a groove or depression called the Nasojugal groove or if it extends beyond it, it is called the malar palpebral groove and is seen as a shadow that may or may not be associated with increased pigmentation. in the same area as the bags (lower eyelids). Therefore, there are 3 types of dark circles: Depression or furrow, pigmentation or dark coloration and bags that can be due to fat, fluid or weakening of the ligaments that support the skin due to the effect of gravity, the passage of time and aging.

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